You know what I love? Before I started Dear Dear Closet, I had very few (good) photos of myself...look now! I can just imagine my children and grandchildren treasuring these. Hopefully, one day I can print some of these out. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy them!

This is actually a short tunic that I wore with a skirt underneath. I complemented the skirt with a matching tube top. I felt fabulous in this outfit and felt like I had spring written all over me.

I looove how only the detailing of the skirt shows. Also, this was the first time I wore these gray sheer tights and I fell head over heels for them. On the box it actually says "off-black" so I wasn't sure how they would appear on my legs. Buttt, yea, I love them! The sheerness and hint of gray are perfect with my tunic and the pops of color elsewhere ;D

Also, when I first bought this tunic, I never imagined wearing it like this. I thought it was edgier and would be worn by me accordingly. In fact, I actually thought about wearing it with my diamond fishnet tights from the two previous posts. I probably will one day, but I have to find something to wear under because the tunic is so short! Even with tights...that's why I played around with a few skirts underneath and settled on this one ;)

Shooting (yesterday) was so much fun! We went to a place we had been before, but since it's humongous it was still a blast. We also explored a little further and found a few more neat things. Then, we headed on over to a neighboring neighborhood. I think people kept looking at us and wondering what the heck we were doing taking pictures in front of their dead ends. Haha!

I bought this awesome "love" belt at a thrift store in Austin...the same one where I got my sunflower necklace! (The one that I just can't get enough of this spring and, for sure, this summer.) The belt is colorful and just so charming! The detailing is pretty darn amazing...but guess whaaat? Yeah, as you can see below, it is 2 times too big for me...I had to wrap it around twice and then used a bobby pin to keep it in place...hehe! Don't worry, you can't tell when you're not zooming in!

I also did some tree huggin' in honor of Earth Day ;D

What I was wearing:
Gray tunic: Love Culture
Skirt: Love Culture, my sister's ;)
Tube top: American Eagle
Love belt & sunflower necklace: Thrifted in ATX!
Gray sheer tights: Walmart (I neeed more of these!!)
Wedges: Target
Watch (that I purposely wore on my right hand): Gifted. It's really pretty, but I forgot to get a close-up! Next time.
Well, I really hope you love everything as much as I do. Remember to vote! To those of you who already have, thank you!! Also, thank you all for reading, commenting, and following!! I can't say it enough! Now, I'm off to catch up on returning your comments and e-mails and do some blog-hoppin', too! ♥
Thrifting is so fun!
I like how you layered your dresses/skirt for more variety (and modesty)- very neat, and good free thinking!
Jeez, you are so little. That belt-wasit picture is like, "Soo small". Very cute :)
I heart heart this outfit!!! I love how you layered a flashy pink skirt underneath and more importantly, how you matched the color with a pink (is that a leopard print??? ohmygod) top underneath!
And that thrifted belt is SO fab. LOVE!
PS: I'm so jealous of your Miley for Walmart finds!!!! I should start a petition against Walmart Canada to start holding those items... haha!
Hay darling!
It's my first time on your blog! He's so lovely! And your style is also great.
Can your please check mine too? Maybe we can follow eachother? Please let me know!
Love, Cindy
Yes I'll follow you too! xx
You look soo georgeous girl:)
you are so teeny, tiny, and adorable! I like your style : )
Oh wow I LOVE that you paired that pink skirt underneath! It's such a cute little touch. And that belt, just ADORABLE! :]
Love the peek-a-boo of color with the skirt underneath!
My Life in Style
Love this love this a thousand times love this! I especially LOVE your belt. (;
i may be super behind on your blog posts....but i am getting there!!
I LOVE how you styled that tunic- sooooo creative. i never would have thought to do that!!!
This outfit is so genious! I like your belt too.
I heart this outfit, simple but stylish, beautiful colours, a cute belt, and lovely sandals.
I love the simplicity of your outfits, you always adds something that make it stylish!!
Kissy, God bless. xOxO.
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