Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog off!

Just kidding, please don't :)


As I was deciding what to wear today -- for me and hun's backyard outing -- I spotted this "blog off!" tee in my yet-to-be-unpacked luggage. I instantly knew I HAD to feature it on here. What is even more wonderful is that my competitive boyfriend just started up his own blog -- which looks better than mine thanks to his computer skills, grr -- and I could see it in his eyes that he is very, very jealous of my awesome tee-shirt. Good job, Erika ;)


By the way, I do expect him to jump on over to my blog and give it a little technical sprucing up.




I bought this shirt years ago, when the only "blogging" I knew of was on myspace...and now I am glad to give it a much better home in my heart. You can actually tell that it is old by the scratches on the graphic. Oops :| Anyway, it's Dear by Amanda I got it at Steve & Barry's. I used to be a nothing but jeans & tees girl. I'm still trying to shake that off.

HAPPY Thursday...tomorrow's Friday! :D

What I'm wearing:
Vest: Forever 21
Pants: Forever 21
Flats: Payless
Peace bracelet: Random
Bow hair clip: Random


LyddieGal said...

Cute tee!
It's great that your style is evolving, but you can still incorporate your past loves.

Texan Teen said...

i love your jeans! I haven't found a good pair of skinnys anywhere... gonna have to check out F21 next time I whip to the mall!