Table decorations...mostly everything was homemade ;)

The Quinceanera! aka my sis :D

The Quinceanera rockin' her Chucks!

Gorgeous black mask

Sisters ♥


I originally bought a dress for the occasion, but changed my mind last minute. Typical :P

I love what I came up with, though...the tutu and feathers seem masquerade-appropriate to me.

DJ...and look at my sister's awesome pinata!! Yes, that's her picture on it!!!

A starry cake :)

The little girls dancing (including my 9-year-old sis staring straight at the camera) to Justin Bieber...haha ;)
calling it a night...

I hope y'all enjoyed these pictures. My "real" outfit posts will soon resume...yay yay yay! Thank you for reading! ♥
you and your sister are GORGEOUS! gorgeous family :)
it looks like so much fun! I love quincenearas! I butchered that word! Ha :)
I've missed your blog posts!!
I adore adore adore your outfit! You are soo tinnnyy, and the volume on the skirt works so perfectly. Lovely! :D
you and your sisters are beautiful!
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