Anyway, tonight I am featuring my best friend Ana... you can find her personal blog here. But, I'm featuring her for fashion-related reasons. What kind of reasons? Keep reading...

This gorgeous gal turned her brother's old plaid shirt into a dress...a CUTE dress, to be exact! In these pictures it's still in the making, but you can get the gist of it...look!

Isn't it great?! Like seriously, I hate to say I'm not creative enough to look at a guy's old plaid shirt and think, "I can so turn that into a cute dress, buttons down the middle, thick straps." Agh!

And, honestly, I am not a fan of plaid, but this plaid I would wear! It's the perfect length, fit, and works in all 4 seasons! I can imagine it by itself for warm weather and with tights & a cardigan for cold weather...PERFECT, I tell you!

So, I've been bribing Ana for top secret clothes-making lessons...I hope she likes flowers & candy... ;DD Hahaha, kidding, but I am looking forward to seeing more clothes from her, and hopefully one day from myself.

Sooo, guess the name of the next super-famous fashion designer.
*Hint: Her name starts & ends with the letter A, and there's only one other letter in between ;D

Hope you enjoyed meeting Ana (yes, that's the answer) & I hope to hear from you! ...she does want feedback :D
Very cute! I've always wanted to make my own clothes, but it's so much harder than you'd think! Tell her, great job! :)
I could never make anything. I am such a loser in that way! This is cute!
Hi Erika's bestie! how cute is that?! OMIGOSH! really neat idea!
oh that is soooo cute, wonderful idea!
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